Book Flights from Indonesia with Cathay Pacific from IDR4,580,700

Departing from Indonesia

When it's time for the next adventure, choose Cathay Pacific to get you there conveniently and comfortably. Connect to more than 90 destinations around the world with our frequent flights from Indonesia via Hong Kong. The possibilities are endless. No matter where you're heading, expect impeccable service from the staff at Cathay Pacific. We provide on-demand entertainment systems, innovative cuisine, and spacious, reclining seats no matter the ticket class. For added convenience, use our advance check-in to avoid airport queues. Travel well to your next location by booking your flights from Indonesia with Cathay Pacific today.

All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.