Book Flights from New Zealand with Cathay Pacific from NZD906

Departing from New Zealand

Whether you’re flying from New Zealand for business or pleasure, choose Cathay Pacific and see why so many people rate us a top airline. We are family-friendly, and provide great in-flight services like tasty food, interactive in-flight entertainment systems, and on-board duty-free shopping. Economy Class provides extra leg room and seats with more recline than most airlines, so you can feel comfortable en-route to your next destination. Alternatively, upgrade to Business Class or First Class for premium offerings. Your comfort and convenience are paramount when you fly from New Zealand with Cathay Pacific.

All fares displayed include taxes and carrier-imposed surcharges. All fares, government taxes and fees, and surcharges are subject to change at any time. For ticket cancellations, where applicable, the Hong Kong Passenger Security Charge, the Hong Kong Air Passenger Departure Tax, and the Hong Kong International Airport Construction Fee will be refunded without any administration fees.